Wednesday, January 4, 2017


If we assume the job of the Corps is truly engineering rather than operators blindly following a written procedure, we have to assume the Corps is failing totally in their management of the Savannah River Basin.  The damages they are doing with lake levels is comparable to the way the EPA shut down coal mining.  Only difference is the methodology of the EPA with coal has some saving grace if you are a environmental or global warming addict whereas there is no saving grace for the way the Corps keeps destroying our basin.

For the sake of brevity I will site just a few glaring engineering omissions.
  1. right now the rivers below Thurmond dam are swelled from recent rains. Contradictory to good engineering practice the corps continues to release 3600cfs rather than shut down releases for a while to allow the lakes to recover.
  2. previously when the lakes started down below full pool the corps held to elevated release rates rather than conserving lake levels by dropping releases to the minimum demonstrated to be safe for downstream interests.
  3. in their planning for the future with the harbor expansion the corps totally ignored the fact that the Augusta lock and dam needs repair to avoid severe damages upstream.  Rather than concern themselves with recreational and Augusta interests they did extensive planning for building a fish ladder.
These omissions by engineers in the business world would be subject to law suit and the engineers involved would be reprimanded severely and probably lose their jobs. We need to hold the Corps to the same level of professional performance or eliminate the word engineer in their title and appoint engineers to oversee the work of the Corps.

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