Saturday, October 19, 2013


I was very hopeful that Colonel Tickner would take what we've learned from recent droughts and massive rains and improve the way our lakes are managed.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that changes are desperately needed.  But to our disappointment the Corps is stubbornly refusing to make the changes needed.  Instead they hold to the drought plan that has caused so much devastation to our recreational infrastructure over the past decade.

What makes this even more frustrating is that the changes needed for vast improvement are simple and would be easy to do.  We've mentioned these before but since the Corps doesn't seem to be listening let me repeat what they are:
  • Limit the winter draw down to 2' instead of 4'
  • Follow the same approach used in flood control of adjusting flows as necessary to keep lake level drops to a minimum.
  • Since we know that environmental and water quality needs are met at 3600cfs, do not hesitate to drop release rates to 3600 as needed to hold lake level.
All that is needed to keep away from the devastating damage to recreation of the past decade is to prevent lake levels from dropping more than 8'.  The measures outlined would have accomplished this over the past decade and would serve as a major improvement to our drought plan.

This is a two sided problem.  I've listed what the Corps needs to do.  But there are two sides to this equation.  We need to make sure during the upcoming elections that we put some people in office that will get lake stakeholders a significant voice in how the lakes are managed.  For example Gary Gerrard has indicated his willingness to help.  Be sure you support him and others like him.

Jon Clerry, spokesman for Save Our Lakes Now

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