In a recent news release Col. Marvin Griffin was quoted as saying he plans to be an advocate for the lakes. We read a little deeper to see exactly what was meant in that statement. Unfortunately the word advocate as used by the Colonel differs greatly from the definition a lake stakeholder might have.
To me, as a lake stakeholder, the word advocate would mean to protect the lakes using the best information currently available to avoid future disastrous (to the recreational infrastructure) draw downs of the lakes when droughts occur. However as used by the Colonel the word advocate means to continue operation as usual ignoring what we've learned from the past several droughts and wait on the results of further studies.
To me as a lake stakeholder the word advocate would mean to give lake stakeholders a voice in interpreting the results of the studies being conducted to define operating guidelines for the future. However it would appear the Colonel plans to continue leaving the future of the lakes to non stakeholders. There is a term I've heard since childhood that defines this approach. It is like letting the fox guard the hen house.
I could go further into what our recommendations would be for someone truly wishing to be an advocate for the lakes. But all one has to do is look at the past six months of blogs by Save Our Lakes Now. The logic and reasoning are sound but for some reason the Corps continues to ignore our suggestions.
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