Somehow we need to get more publicity about the way the Corps is mismanaging our lakes. If you have access to any of our political leaders or any radio or TV personalities that can help, please let us know. We've tried all our resources and to date no takers. Can you imagine what a figure like Rush Limbaugh could do for our cause. And likewise any powerful political leader (governor, congressman, senator, etc) could bring about major change. Save Our Lakes Now leadership would be happy to meet with any such interested person or persons if that would help them understand our plight.
It is now obvious the Corps has no intention of managing our lakes in a manner that protects against devastating loss in lake level when droughts occur. When we point out the losses to the recreational infrastructure (eg. businesses that provide recreation at the lake and all the houses built around the lakes primarily for the purpose of recreation) they seem to be deaf to what we are saying. Further they offer ridiculous arguments such as power production schedules and being unfair to downstream stakeholders. The total value of the power created by our dams is miniscule in comparison to the hundreds of millions lost by the recreational infrastructure. And so far as being fair to downstream stakeholders we pass on every drop of water nature gives us and we have no problem passing on more than supplied within reason such as the 3600cfs (3100 in cold weather) which has been demonstrated to be safe based on recent droughts.
To put things in perspective, the corps yells that drought is causing the destruction. But that is simply not true. What is causing the destruction is putting more water downstream than is coming into the system from rain. Such behavior by the Corps in other water systems around the nation has virtually destroyed magnificent lakes such as Lake Mead out West. This behavior has led to millions of people out West being in danger of having no fresh water and could easily do the same thing here. Rather than lake stakeholders doing damage to downstream, wasting water by putting more in the ocean than is necessary is what is doing the damage.
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