At present everyone is lulled into a false sense of security concerning both The Augusta Lock and Dam and the final drought plan for the lakes that goes into effect this summer. The problem is the Corps adamantly refuses to consider economics in their planning. With lake levels the corps claims economics is not part of the instructions they have from congress. With the Augusta Lock and Dam they not only refuse to look at economics but they also are overstepping EPA guidance on wild life protection.
The only way we are going to get the Corps to factor in economics is to get help from one of our Senators or congressman. Unfortunately congressional help is not available because Jeff Duncan refuses to help with this and Jodi Hice is following incorrect advice. David Purdue would be an ideal senator to help because of his familiarity with Augusta and Lindsay Graham would be good because of his familiarity with the Lake Hartwell area and concerns for North Augusta economics. It would only take a short meeting to explain why the Corps is messing up but to date we have been unable to get the ear of either of these senators. We desperately need help in getting the ear of one of these Senators. If you know a way to set up a meeting, Save Our Lakes Now would be glad to meet with them at the location and time of their choice. The contact for Save Our Lakes Now for such a meeting is Jerry Clontz in McCormick, SC (email address
All our arguments on fine tuning lake level control and design of the Augusta Lock and Dam have been laid out in past releases of the Save Our Lakes Now Blog (www. Rather than attempt a lengthy repeat of those arguments I recommend anyone interested in this problem review the blog releases of the past 12 months. With our recommended changes to the drought plan the lakes would finally gain a good reputation on lake levels which would have a fantastic impact on lake area economics. Without our recommended changes we will never get past a reputation for poor lake levels. With our recommendations on the lock and dam design we will avoid lake levels competing with pool levels at Augusta. Without our recommendations the pool level will drop unacceptably in severe droughts and the lake and Augusta will become opposing interests concerning release rates during droughts.