Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Another Appropriate Comment to Balancing the Basin You May be Interested in.

posted by one of our members on todays balancing the basin concerning the fish passage.

The continued refusal by the Corps to consider economic and recreation issues is a prime example of what happens with over regulation.  I know the Trump administration would change this because they are trying country wide to get rid of ridiculous regulations that are hurting communities like ours.  We need to wake up our congressmen and get them to work on this.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


The following was submitted as a comment to balancing the basin by one of our members:

Dropping lake levels for this reason is not a problem for businesses and residential areas around Thurmond.  Our problem is not a 1ft drop.  Our problem is the drought control plan.  And unfortunately, even after spending millions of dollars for studies to optimize drought control, refusal by the Corps to include how much fresh water is being thrown away during droughts and the impact of lake levels on the reputation of the lakes for recreation (which has destroyed economics of the lake areas) is preventing adoption of the truly optimum drought control plan.  The optimum plan when these are factored in is to drop releases from Thurmond to 3600cfs anytime the lakes cannot be held to full pool.